Agricultural Management Programme
The Agricultural Management Programme covers the research interests as below:
- Long-term interests in studying nitrogen dynamics in agroecosystems, non-point source pollution and agricultural water management
- Competent in agricultural systems modelling with DSSAT, APSIM, SWB, AquaCrop and Hydrus
- FORTRAN, Delphi programming skills
- Part of the Agricultural Model Inter-comparison and Improvement Project (AGMIP) on African Low Inputs Systems and Soybean
- Involved in piloting Data Intensive Farm Management in South Africa in collaboration with the University of Illinois
- Vice-Chair of the ICID Working Group on Environment, Treasurer of the South African National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage
- Teach the undergraduate course Sustainable Crop Production and Agroclimatology (PPK 251)
- Part of the Ingesta project, investigating the use of social media to facilitate knowledge exchange between universities and farmers (https://www.facebook.com/IngestaFarming)