Research Programme Leaders

Prof Jeremy Allison

Prof Jeremy Allison

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: Applied Chemical Ecology

Prof John Annandale

Prof John Annandale

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Water Research

Prof Nigel Barker

Prof Nigel Barker

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Great Escarpment Biodiversity

Dr John  Becker

Dr John Becker

Department of Genetics
Centre Manager of the African Centre for Gene Technologies

Prof Dave Berger

Prof Dave Berger

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Molecular Plant-Pathogen Interactions

Dr ShuaiFei Chen

Dr ShuaiFei Chen

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: China Eucalypt Research Centre-FABI Tree Protection Programme

Dr Nicola Collins

Dr Nicola Collins

Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases
Research Project: Anaplasma species in South Africa

Prof Teresa  Coutinho

Prof Teresa Coutinho

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: Phytobacteriology

Dr Nicky Creux

Dr Nicky Creux

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Crop Floral Biology and Environments Research

Prof Abdoulaye Diallo

Prof Abdoulaye Diallo

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: Artificial Intelligence in Farming

Prof Elsa du Toit

Prof Elsa du Toit

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Moringa Development Association of South Africa

Dr Linde Du Toit

Dr Linde Du Toit

Department of Animal Science
Research Project: Ruminant Nutrition

Dr Gerda Fourie

Dr Gerda Fourie

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: Macademia Protection

Prof Almuth Hammerbacher

Prof Almuth Hammerbacher

Department of Zoology and Entomology
Programme Leader: Tree Protection Co-operative Programme

Prof Abubeker Hassen

Prof Abubeker Hassen

Department of Animal Science
Research Project: Ruminant Nutrition

Prof Brett  Hurley

Prof Brett Hurley

Department of Zoology and Entomology
Programme Leader: Tree Protection Co-operative Programme

Dr Christine Jansen van Rensburg

Dr Christine Jansen van Rensburg

Department of Animal Science
Research Project: Monogastric Nutrition

Prof Lise Korsten

Prof Lise Korsten

Department of Plant Pathology
Programme Leader: Plant Health and Safety

Prof Quenton Kritzinger

Prof Quenton Kritzinger

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Mycotoxins, biopesticides and seed quality research

Prof Namrita  Lall

Prof Namrita Lall

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Medicinal Plant Science

Dr Bill Malick

Dr Bill Malick

Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology
Programme Leader: Plant Health and Safety

Dr Diana Marais

Dr Diana Marais

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Crop Agronomy

Prof Christine  Maritz

Prof Christine Maritz

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Research Programme: Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases

Prof Eshchar Mizrachi

Prof Eshchar Mizrachi

Department of Genetics
Programme Leader: African Plant System Biology for the Bioeconomy

Prof Lucy Moleleki

Prof Lucy Moleleki

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: Bacterial Genomics and Host Pathogen Interactions

Prof Zander Myburg

Prof Zander Myburg

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: Forest Molecular Genetics

Prof Sanushka  Naidoo

Prof Sanushka Naidoo

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: Eucalyptus Pine Pathogen Interactions

Dr Thobela Nkukwana

Dr Thobela Nkukwana

Department of Animal Science
Programme Leader: Monogastric Poultry Unit

Dr Tolullah Oni

Dr Tolullah Oni

MRC Epidemiology Unit
Programme Leader: UrbanBetter

Prof Inge-Marie Petzer

Prof Inge-Marie Petzer

Department of Production Animal Studies
Research Project: Mastitis Research

Prof Gerhard Pietersen

Prof Gerhard Pietersen

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: Plant Virology

Prof Christian Pirk

Prof Christian Pirk

Department of Zoology and Entomology
Programme Leader: Social Insect Research Group

Prof Bernard Slippers

Prof Bernard Slippers

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: Tree Protection Co-operative Programme

Dr Gary Stafford

Dr Gary Stafford

Department of Plant and Soil Science
Programme Leader: Indigenous Food And Medicinal Plants

Prof Emma Steenkamp

Prof Emma Steenkamp

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: DSI/NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology

Prof J. Martin Steyn

Prof J. Martin Steyn

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Water Research

Prof Wynand Steyn

Prof Wynand Steyn

Department of Civil Engineering
Programme Leader: Engineering 4.0

Dr Nicolette Taylor

Dr Nicolette Taylor

Department of Plant and Soil Science
Programme Leader: Water-Use of Fruit Species

Prof Eyob Tesfamariam

Prof Eyob Tesfamariam

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Climate Change on Maize Production

Prof Wayne Truter

Prof Wayne Truter

Department of Plant and Soil Science
Programme Leader: Forage, Pasture & Land Reclamation Institute (FPLRI)

Prof Noelani van den Berg

Prof Noelani van den Berg

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: Avocado Research

Mr Michael van der Laan

Mr Michael van der Laan

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Agricultural Management

Prof Jacquie van der Waals

Prof Jacquie van der Waals

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Manager of Preharvest Disease Research at Citrus Research International

Prof Este Van Marle-Koster

Prof Este Van Marle-Koster

Department of Animal Science
Research Project: Animal Breeding and Genetics

Prof Cobus Visagie

Prof Cobus Visagie

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: Applied Mycology

Prof Juan Vorster

Prof Juan Vorster

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Programme Leader: Molecular Plant Physiology

Prof Edward  Webb

Prof Edward Webb

Department of Animal Science
Programme Leader: Production Animal Physiology and Meat Science

Prof Christopher Weldon

Prof Christopher Weldon

Department of Zoology and Entomology
Programme Leader: Insect Pests

Prof Brenda Wingfield

Prof Brenda Wingfield

Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
Programme Leader: DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Fungal Genomics

Prof Mike Wingfield

Prof Mike Wingfield

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute
Programme Leader: Royal Golden Eagle-FABI Tree Health Programme

Prof Abdullahi Yusuf

Prof Abdullahi Yusuf

Department of Zoology and Entomology
Programme Leader: Social Insect Research Group