Prof Abubeker Hassen

University of Pretoria
Department of Animal Science

Associate Professor
Research Project: Ruminant Nutrition


Prof Abubeker Hassen research focus is on optimization of forage use, plant based dietary additives to modulate rumen fermentation and reduce enteric methane emission, and development of feeding systems suitable for Climate Smart Livestock Production in the Mixed Crop-Livestock system in Africa. He is engaged in multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research where he is working with different groups to integrate remotely sensed data into crop and grassland computer models to simulate the impact of climate change and various adaptation and mitigation options on ruminant production and net greenhouse gas emission.

Prof Hassen has authored/co-authored more than 70 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and numerous conference presentations including three invited keynote addresses at conferences. He has supervised and co-supervised 10 PhD and 14 MSc students to completion and currently supervising/co-supervising 10 PhD and 14 MSc students, respectively.