Welcome to the FABI Biocontrol facility,

where we are dedicated to advancing the understanding and control of pests in forestry and agriculture.

Our facility serves as a hub for research, education, and practical solutions in pest management.



We are committed to finding sustainable solutions for pest management in forestry and agriculture. Through cutting-edge research, collaboration, and education, we strive to protect our natural resources and promote healthy ecosystems for future generations. 


  • One of our key features is our state-of-the-art greenhouses, where we meticulously screen forestry and agricultural plants for diseases. By identifying and studying plant diseases early on, we can develop effective strategies for disease management and prevention, ultimately safeguarding our crops and forests.


  •  In addition to our greenhouses, we have a specialized quarantine facility. Here, we assess quarantine insects to determine their potential as biological control agents (BCAs) against some of the most problematic forestry pests in the country. Through rigorous testing and evaluation, we identify BCAs that can help us combat pests while minimizing environmental impact.


  • Our insectary facility plays a crucial role in our research efforts. Here, we store field-collected specimens of insects such as the wattle bagworm Kotochalia junodi, Eucalyptus cossid moth Coryphodema trisitis, and Pine emperor moth Nudaurelia clarki. By maintaining a diverse collection of insects, we ensure a steady supply for study purposes, allowing researchers to explore the biology, behaviour, and potential control methods of these pests.