CERC-FABI Tree Protection Programme
This Programme has arisen from a long term collaboration between the two institutions that was formally established in 2014. The relationship initially arose from joint funding to the two groups respectively by the Governments of the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa as part of bi-lateral funding managed by the Department of Science and Technology (South Africa) and Ministry of Science and Technology in China. This funding has been sustained at various levels over a eight year period and it has resulted in many important outputs in terms of fundamental research, solutions to eucalypt disease problems and education of post graduate students (Human Capacity Development).
Objectives of the CFTPP
• Study diseases and pests that threaten forests and forest plantation development in China and South Africa
• Understand the diversity, ecology, pathology and spread of these pathogens and pests that damage trees
• Screen genetic stock used to establish plantations/plantation tree hybrids and clonal material for resistance to the most important diseases and insect pests
• Promote joint opportunities relating to the biological control of insect pests
• Train young researchers in the broad fields related to tree health biotechnology
• Establish and maintain an innovative a model for science and technology cooperation between scientists in China and South Africa